Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rooms for Little Girls and Little Boys

A childhood bedroom with its overwhelming palette of pink and purple circa 1990 is not at all out of place in a 2013 builder’s model home.  The whimsy and fantasy of the princess bedroom is enduring, current and nostalgic. 

For little boys, primary blue and primary red with classic motifs like cars and dinosaurs remain current.   A Fisher Price coupe with its striking primary colors looks as at home in a boy's room as it did 30 years ago.  Right beside a baseball bat and glove, a set of wooden blocks is the desired accessory. 

A princess crown, pink ruffled pillows as well as stiff cardboard books remain a staple in today's children's rooms.  No matter what leapfrog laptop is currently en vogue, children’s room motifs and children’s toys have not gone out of style in the world of staging.