Hiring a professional stager will save you money and stress and allow your house to sell much quicker. Expenses are minimal if you consider how much you are losing by letting your house sit on the market. Here are 6 helpful tips for a successfully staged home that are sure to get your home sold faster.
1. Get rid of clutter. This is the most important element in selling a home. Consider renting a storage unit to store personal items. This will de-personalize the space and allow the buyer to picture their own things in the home, not yours. A buyer likes to look in closets, drawer, and cabinets. Be sure to have these areas well organized and free of clutter.
2. Group your furniture in the center of the room. Contrary to popular belief, furniture pushed to the perimeters of a room will actually make the space appear smaller. If you group your furniture in a cozy cluster in the center of the room, your space will actually feel larger and more open. Also, position furniture so that the traffic flow in the room is obvious.
3. Don’t be afraid to move furniture and accessories from room to room. Just because you initially bought a piece for a certain room does not mean that it needs to stay there. Experiment with the placement of your furniture; you may come up with an arrangement you never would have thought of that actually works better.
4. Turn a junk room into a purposeful space. If you have a room that doesn’t have a purpose, consider giving it an obvious function. Turn an empty corner into a cozy reading nook by adding an armchair and lamp. An empty or junk-filled room will make a great guest bedroom if you add a bed and a few pieces of furniture.
5. Lighting in home staging is critical. Make sure you’ve got a sufficient amount of light in a space. This includes sufficient general lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting. A well-lit room will change the buyer’s perception of the space altogether.
6. A bathroom is easy to stage. Eliminate all clutter and pull out accessories, like freshly rolled towels or candles. It’s a cheap way to create a warm and inviting environment in your bathroom.
More tips to come..Stay tuned!
Rosanna Scott